Program dla wydawców 2023
Program dla wydawców 2023 - termin wysłania aplikacji: 2 grudnia 2022

Szanowni Państwo,
Drodzy Wydawcy,
Znajdą Państwo poniżej wiadomość od Międzynarodowego Biura Wydawców Francuskich (BIEF) dot. Fellowship 2023
(termin wysłania aplikacji: 2 grudnia 2022).
Le Bureau international de l’édition française, with the support of SOFIA, invites 15 publishers from abroad to spend a professional week in Paris in order to broaden their knowledge of the French book market.
The program takes place in Paris from May 28th to June 3rd 2023. It’s aimed at 15 foreign publishers of Literature and the Humanities (no children books, no YA, no illustrated books).
It proposes:
- “B to B” meetings with French publishers during the Paris Book Market which will take place the 1st and 2nd of June in Paris;
- Several round tables to discuss the main stakes of both the Humanities and Literature publishing in France and elsewhere;
- Visits of publishing houses and bookshops;
- Attending a TV or radio show around the literary scene (if the opportunity arises).
Participation requirements:
- To be qvailable from May 28th to June 3rd 2023 in Paris
- To be an editorial executive/manager in Literature or the Humanities (no children books, no YA, no illustrated books)
- To manage French sufficiently to be able to read a text in French and to understand someone speaking in French
- To be able to express oneself in French or in English
Financial aspects:
- Participants' hotel bills will be paid by BIEF that also pays a per diem
(50 €/day) - Participants will pay their own travelling expenses
- Application file available: https://www.bief.org/fichiers/operation/4418/media/10724/Paris%20fellowship%20application%20form%202023.pdf
- Return the file completed with required documents (your CV, your company's approval and a letter of recommendation from a person of your choice) to AnneLacorre: a.lacorre@bief.org
=> Deadline December 2nd 2022